
Becoming a Member

We have 41 members: 31 adults and 10 children. Although we are currently full, occasionally rentals of small units in individual homes become available.

If you are considering making the move to life in community, and are interested in that possibility, we invite you to get to know us by exploring our website, coming for a tour (2nd Sundays of the month 11:00 – 12:00, by appointment), attending some meetings and work parties. Below is a brief description of the process used to select members and renters in PTEV-owned spaces. (The process is different for rentals in individual homes.) 

In the Introductory phase, the prospective member gets a tour, attends community meetings, work parties, meals, and/or informal get-togethers.  Attending at least one community meeting is required to become an applicant; meetings may be in person or via Zoom or a combination of both. Prospective members are encouraged to take initiative in developing relationships with members of the PTEV. Once mutual interest has been established, the application phase begins.

During the Application phase, the potential resident receives  application information, which includes access to relevant EcoVillage agreements and a questionnaire.  Applicants are interviewed by the community and if consent is reached to accept them, they sign a lease to become a renter.

Once here, new residents participate in a basic orientation and are assigned a “buddy” from among existing PTEV residents, who is available to answer questions.  A training plan on PTEV agreements (legal documents) and processes is devised to meet the new members’ needs.

While exceptions to this process may be considered on a case-by-case basis, it is important for potential members to develop a relationship with the village through this process.

Our time: 7:10pm PST