2016 Highlights

2016 was a milestone year, with lots of building, comings and goings, and moving together in forward motion.  The blessing of being in a community with friends who share a vision for a just and sustainable world was made even more dear to us when the outside world took such an unhappy turn.  Yet, we have so much to be thankful for:

  • We updated our Vision Statement, which has served us well since our inception in 2004, and committed to keeping it a living document to guide us toward collective manifestation.
  • We began the process of designing our Common House, which we plan to build over the next year or two.
  • The community consensed on creating an open space, a village green in the center of the community, suitable for gatherings, play and hanging out, and the area was graded, raked and seeded.
  • Zack, Judy, Eliott and Henry moved to their new home outside the EcoVillage, and Julie and Kai moved on, allowing Bob to move into the cabin in the woods and opening up space in the West CoHo for Warren, Alexa, Ian (8), Olivia (6) and Tobin (4) to move in.
  • Bedelia left the East CoHo for South America, and Alex moved in.
  • Beau, Melanie and their two children, Lochlan (12) and Meriel (2) bought Lot 10 with the intention to move here from Iowa and build a wooden yurt kit in 2017. Hooray, another new family, and the penultimate lot sold!
  • The Wyeth family left Ruth’s house upon her return from a long road trip, and they maintain connection through Monday night dinners.
  • 3 tiny home sites were prepared – grading done, utility lines brought in – and negotiations were made with the City to make space for small affordable homes to be built on site or brought in on Lot 9.

Duplex under Construction


  • Kees and Helen’s duplex on Lot 11 went up – SIPs walls, roof, windows and doors – moving us closer toward a shared vision of affordable space and more families at the PTEV.
  • Monday night shared meals continue to be part of our community glue, and also we share community meals after our monthly community meetings and work parties.
  • Marc, Zhaleh and family acquired a dog, Tara, and have a new baby on the way!
  • Melanie Rios facilitated our spring retreat, helping open the way to deeper understanding, and introducing useful processes and perspectives for looking at issues and making decisions.
  • The wood shop and arts/craft spaces in the SAC were substantially completed and are starting to get used a lot (especially the wood shop).
  • Volunteers helped plant young fruit trees in the early spring, and the woody debris pile was chipped in the fall to sheet mulch our expanding orchard area.
  • The community garden raised a lot of delicious, healthy vegetables with the guidance and extra effort of Bekka and planning help from Deanna; compost from Jim.
  • We continued to build relationships both with individuals and the community-at-large of Port Townsend and hosted many visitors to the village, including a tour for Northwest Permaculture Convergence attendees in October, and a visit from classes at Evergreen College.
  • Several people who visited Laurence and Deanna became volunteer helpers on the land or other residents’ house-building projects.
  • Great progress was made on Jim/Terri/Bekka’s home and John and Gretchen were close to finishing theirs at the end of 2016.
  • The Membership Team prepared to accept applications for rental housing under our affordable housing policy.
  • Thursday nights became a time for many of the village women to gather and explore being “joy buddies” through laughter and tears.

Looking forward in 2017 to…

  • Welcoming new residents along 35th Street: in the duplex, in the small homes yet to be built or brought to Lot 9, and in Beau and Melanie’s round house.
  • Maybe we’ll even find a buyer for Lot 8, the last one available.
  • The moving parties and celebrations we’ll have when John and Gretchen and Jim, Terri and Bekka get occupancy permits on their homes.
  • The challenge and fun of designing the Common House and beginning construction.
  • Gardening in community and working toward more intentional soil building and land stewardship; adding to our perennial plantings.

Only one house lot remains available for sale, and there are three spaces for small (tiny) homes available to lease. We welcome new members, including families with children. If you are curious what life is like here in community, we invite you to come to a tour, a community meeting, a work party, or all three. We believe that building relationships with potential residents is the surest way to grow a happy, healthy village.

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